Monday, November 4, 2013

Abilities Expo 2013

Noelene has been very busy leading a team, coordinating and arranging the Abilities Expo for the past year along with Lisa Duckett, School Officer here at Malibu School.  Their hard work has been rewarded with the Expo proving to be an overwhelming success.  This is fabulous news for the School and other organizations who promote the work surrounding disabilities and the opportunities available for the future.  

The following review has been published by the Department of Education and is a fabulous testament to Noelene, the team and everyone who was involved in the event.

Well done everyone!

Abilities Careers Expo shows students pathways to the future -  23 September 2013

The 10th annual Abilities Careers Expo was held at Crown Burswood last week, with over 600 people visiting the exhibition.

The expo was a cross-sector education and inter-agency initiative which provided students, teachers and families with information about employment, further education, and post-school options available to young people with disability.
Keynote speaker Katie O’Donnell, who graduated from Mirrabooka Senior High School in 1999, shared her inspiring story with the audience before taking to the stage with the Variety Youth Choir.
Visitors were encouraged to attend the Careers Stories workshops to listen to past and present students recount their experiences from the workforce.
Connar Olsen, a student at Cyril Jackson Senior Campus Education Support Centre, spoke to visitors about the transition from secondary school to the workplace.
His principal Paul Jones said Connar completed several workplace learning placements during school, including at the Salvation Army store in Morley, Men of the Trees Nursery in Hazelmere, Foodbank in Welshpool, and K-Mart in Mirrabooka.
“Through these placements, Connar received many awards for demonstrating excellence in key areas such as attitude, presentation, reliability, initiative, social skills, independent travel and an awareness of safety procedures in the work place,” Paul said.
Connar was also a high achiever at school, and had completed a number of certificate courses.
“After his graduation in December this year, Connar hopes to complete Information Technology courses at TAFE or through the Cyril Jackson Senior Campus, which will help him gain future employment,” Paul said.
Malibu School graduate Brandon Mai also shared his story, from work experience with the school gardener, to working at the Bike Dismantle Program in Kwinana.
Principal Noelene Mason, who was also the Abilities Careers Expo chair, said Brandon had learnt to trust himself and had gained a sense of purpose since entering the workforce.      
“Brandon had many challenges to overcome, but he was able to learn the resilience needed to go through gaining employment, and was supported in a very individual manner,” she said.
Brandon now works part-time at ACTIV Rockingham as part of their Property Care team, and continues to work with his support worker on his literacy and numeracy skills on his days off.
Noelene said Brandon took the opportunity to thank the staff at Malibu School when he visited the school in the lead up to the expo.
“Both Connar and Brandon were extremely proud of themselves after they spoke, as it allowed them to celebrate their success and to show other young people what is possible.”
Noelene said the expo was a resounding success, and that she was looking forward to attending future exhibitions.
“It truly was a celebration of abilities and success,” she said.
“We know that people feel more informed after leaving the expo - over the years there have been a number of young people who have secured options beyond school as a result of attending.
“It is an amazing feeling when you see young people become proud of themselves, as it mirrors how staff feel about their journey.”